Friday, June 18, 2010

What goes Around

6 years ago this July, my husband left me. He purchased a travel trailer to live in. He then proceeded to have an affair in it.

When our relationship began to heal, it was suggested that we take a vacation in said RV. umm sure, Ok lets go relax in the bed where the unthinkable happened.

i thought destroying the evidence would help, so I took the linens off the bed, and lit them up in my fireplace. Which was cathartic and all that, but it really didn't change anything.

But time passes. And God, in His grace, teaches and comforts. Heals and molds me.

So in a couple of days, our family is taking a week's vacation. In the RV. And we are ALL really excited about it.

What the enemy intended for evil. The Lord of Hosts made into something GOOD.